On 03/02/2017 15:57, Matthew Hodgson wrote:
On 3 Feb 2017, at 13:00, Alexandre Franke <afra...@gnome.org>
Matthew, anything blocking the bridging on our side?

Nothing blocking at all; it's all on our side, which has ended up
blocked on FOSDEM - we've had to prioritise a sprint to ship new
releases for FOSDEM and are currently all on trains to Brussels. It's
top of the IRC bridging backlog and we should get to it early next
week. Sorry for the delay...

Hi all,

We've finally set up a bridge hosted by matrix.org that links GIMPNet into Matrix (as per the earlier bits of this thread). Sorry that it took so long to happen: FOSDEM ended up being even crazier than we expected, and we've spent the last month handling the traffic increases and operational excitements that came off the back of it.

The bridge has been set up to provide access to all of GIMPNet through matrix room aliases of form:




The easiest way to use the new bridge is probably through Riot, the current flagship Matrix client: URLs for direct access to a room via riot-web are of the form:


You can also join using "/join #_gimpnet_#gtk+:matrix.org" style syntax, or using the graphical room directory (button linked from the bottom left).

We haven't turned on guest access on the bridge, so users are forced to register an account (and go through a captcha) before joining channels.

You can spot folks connecting via Matrix as by default they have a [m] suffix on their nickname.

Feedback very welcome! We are still in beta, and very interested in making sure it fits the bill for communities like GNOME :)


Matthew Hodgson
desktop-devel-list mailing list

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