On 09/21/2018 11:43 AM, Shaun McCance wrote:
> Can you elaborate on this? One of the goals of Mallard is to allow
> plugin docs to integrate into the main app docs. Is there something we
> could be doing better?

Advertise the feature? :)

Does it work when they are installed into different directories like
~/.local/share/$app/plugins vs /usr for the app?

I'm still not in favor of users having to open help and scan for
shortcuts when we have a very simple way to find what you're looking for
via the search window (and discover new things you didn't know about).

But I'm biased, given that I wrote it.

I'm also skeptical that users will think to open help to find shortcuts
when the dominant platform (web) has gone with the shortcuts overlay
route (albeit their only option).

-- Christian
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