On 04/24/2009 10:10 PM, C. Michael Pilato wrote:
> [Please Cc: me in responses -- I think I still have APR commit privs, but
>  I'm not active here and not subscribed to the mailing lists.]
> In the past couple of weeks, I've seen two different reports of what appears
> to be corruption in the stream of data transmitted by Subversion's
> mod_dav_svn through Apache and back to the Subversion client.  What is seen
> client-side is an opening XML tag, a truncated bit of CDATA "inside" the
> tag, and then a missing XML closing tag.  The problem seems to occur with
> magically sized chunks of data, so it can be hard to reproduce[1].
> Here are the relevant pieces of the call stack:
> mod_dav_svn/reports/replay.c's change_file_or_dir_prop() function contains
> the following (which is base64-encoding Subversion file and directory
> properties, and tossing them into an XML REPORT request response):
>    const svn_string_t *enc_value = svn_base64_encode_string2(value, TRUE,
>                                                              pool);
>    SVN_ERR(dav_svn__send_xml
>             (eb->bb, eb->output,
>              "<S:change-%s-prop name=\"%s\">%s</S:change-%s-prop>" DEBUG_CR,
>              file_or_dir, qname, enc_value->data, file_or_dir));
> dav_svn__send_xml() is a wrapper around apr_brigade_vprintf().
> As you know, apr_brigade_vprintf() (in buckets/apr_brigade.c) looks like so:
> APU_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_brigade_vprintf(apr_bucket_brigade *b,
>                                               apr_brigade_flush flush,
>                                               void *ctx,
>                                               const char *fmt, va_list va)
> {
>     /* the cast, in order of appearance */
>     struct brigade_vprintf_data_t vd;
>     char buf[APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE];
>     int written;
>     vd.vbuff.curpos = buf;
>     vd.vbuff.endpos = buf + APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE;
>     vd.b = b;
>     vd.flusher = &flush;
>     vd.ctx = ctx;
>     vd.cbuff = buf;
>     written = apr_vformatter(brigade_flush, &vd.vbuff, fmt, va);
>     if (written == -1) {
>       return -1;
>     }
>     /* tack on null terminator to remaining string */
>     *(vd.vbuff.curpos) = '\0';
>     /* write out what remains in the buffer */
>     return apr_brigade_write(b, flush, ctx, buf, vd.vbuff.curpos - buf);
> }
> The function apr_vformatter() uses the buffer "buf" to format the string.
> This function in turn uses the macro INS_CHAR to add characters to the
> buffer.  INS_CHAR is defined like this:
> #define INS_CHAR(c, sp, bep, cc)                    \
> {                                                   \
>     if (sp) {                                       \
>         if (sp >= bep) {                            \
>             vbuff->curpos = sp;                     \
>             if (flush_func(vbuff))                  \
>                 return -1;                          \
>             sp = vbuff->curpos;                     \
>             bep = vbuff->endpos;                    \
>         }                                           \
>         *sp++ = (c);                                \
>     }                                               \
>     cc++;                                           \
> }
> So, when the macro is executed to add a new character to the buffer and the
> buffer is full, the flush function is called to make room for the new
> character, and then the character is added.  Of course, if the buffer has
> room for exactly one more character, it is not flushed, the character is
> added, and the current position of the buffer is at its end (which is
> actually one byte beyond the space allocated for the buffer).
> After the call to apr_vformatter(), there will be stuff in the buffer.  In
> the special case above, the buffer may be perfectly full (perhaps after
> having been flushed one or more times, but still full now).  Then, without
> checking for that condition, this line is executed:
>     /* tack on null terminator to remaining string */
>     *(vd.vbuff.curpos) = '\0';
> Uh-oh.  Buffer overflow!
> Our CollabNet engineer is proposing a simple fix:  defining 'buf' inside
> apr_brigade_vprintf() like so:
>     char buf[APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE + 1]
> (Note the "+ 1" to make room for that pesky NULL byte.)
> But I'm wondering if an equally correct fix would be to simply not tack the
> '\0' onto the buffer at all.  Doesn't apr_brigade_write() accept both the
> buffer and the number of bytes to write?  Does it really need a
> null-terminated string, especially considering that its input could be
> arbitrary binary data?  Other calls to it pass things like "str" and
> "strlen(str)", which would ignore the NULL byte in "str".

Thanks for the detailed analysis. IMHO the best fix is to simply remove
 *(vd.vbuff.curpos) = '\0';
apr_brigade_write does not expect a 'string' that means a sequence
of bytes with '\0' marking its end. It expects a buffer of a given length.
The way it is called by apr_brigade_vprintf it does never ever now that the
buffer it gets is followed by '\0' and it does not copy this '\0' to the 
So just drop it.



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