Am 23.01.23 um 19:57 schrieb Eric Covener:
1.6.2-rc2 is here:

For the release of apr-util-1.6.2
   [ X]  +1 looks great!
   [  ]  -1 something is broken

I will let the vote run through mid-week and then try to finalize APR
and APU on Thursday if I can, else early the week after.

+1 to release and thanks a bunch for RMing.

I haven't checked the ongoing baxckport discussion, so I am neutral on this.

Built and tested on SLES 11, 12 and 15, RHEL 6, 7 and 8 plus Solaris 10 Sparc. Tested also in combination with apr-util 1.6.2-rc2 and unit tests with httpd 2.4.55-rc1.

crypto and httpd were compiled against OpenSSL 3.1.0beta1, 3.0.7, 1.1.1s, 1.0.2u and tested with clients using OpenSSL 3.1.0beta1, 3.0.0, 1.1.1g (with some patches), 1.0.2u and 1.1.0l.

No regressions, some - may expected - TLS failures in httpd when testing client 3.1.0beta1 against server 1.0.2u.

Best regards,


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