Hi All,

I have everything built for 2.3, and have everything signed and
checksummed.  Unfortunately, there are permission problems in the .../dist
directories, so I'm stuck right now.  I've sent a note to infra@ and as soon
as they get the permission problems resolved, then I'll be able to publish
the release.

This will be the first iBATIS/Java release that uses the Apache mirroring
structure - I'm going to implement the new Apache release policy according
to the notice the committers received a couple of weeks ago.

My release plan looks like this:

1. Post the 2.3 and 2.1.7 builds to the mirrors.  2.3 will superceed 2.2, so
no need to post it
2. Label 2.3 as beta, 2.1.7 is still the GA release
3. Call for a vote for 2.3 GA two weeks after 2.3 is posted

I'll keep you posted - hopefully I'll get it done tomorrow.

Jeff Butler

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