
The correction made to bug https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IBATIS-679 is 
not appropriate in BETA 5.
It enters an infinite loop when 2 resultMap point to each other with 
discrimator tags.
For example :
    <resultMap id="personMap" type="Person">
        <id property="id" column="id"/>
        <result property="firstName" column="firstName"/>
        <result property="lastName" column="lastName"/>
        <discriminator column="personType" javaType="String">
            <case value="EmployeeType" resultMap="employeeMap"/>
    <resultMap id="employeeMap" type="Employee" extends="personMap">
        <result property="jobTitle" column="jobTitle"/>
        <discriminator column="employeeType" javaType="String">
            <case value="PersonType" resultMap="personMap"/>

And a select that returns 'EmployeeType' as personType and 'PersonType' as 

I've also proposed a correction for this bug.
Is it possible to reopen the bug and apply the patch?


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