Ted is threatening to roll 1.3.5 any day now, so here are updated
snapshots of the assemblies:


I took a quick look around, and noticed that both the myfaces-api and
portlet-api jars are included.    They can be marked 'provided' in the
assembly pom to keep them out for now, longer term we need to find out
where they're coming from and fix it there.

And they might also be included in the .war files; that needs to be
checked.  (My bet is that one of the recently upgraded dependencies
hasn't properly marked these 'provided' or 'optional' in its pom.)

The struts-master v3 pom is available in the snapshot repo, so as long
as it looks good, the <parent> tag in struts1/pom.xml can be changed:
3-SNAPSHOT -> 3.

Things may have changed a little since the instructions were written,
so if something on the StrutsMaintenanceMaven or StrutsMavenRelease
wiki pages doesn't make sense, just ask.


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