On 10/30/2016 2:27 AM, Pascal Chevrel wrote:
IMO the builID is important for our community of nightly testers that
report bug and need to indicate precisely in which build they found a
regression, so keeping that information available via about:support and
extensions such as Nightly Testers Tools seems valuable for mozilla to
me in a chrome context.

Limiting navigator.buildID to chrome context is a simple change: just add the "ChromeOnly" annotation to buildID's webidl [1] and fix any fallout like DOM test [2].

However, the Gecko Media Playback team and Netflix still use buildID (collected by Netflix's video player JavaScript) to identify regressions and verify bug fixes. I believe they mostly watch the Firefox Beta channel (because there are too few Netflix customers on Nightly and Dev Edition) to verify bug fixes. We could limit buildID to pre-release channels, but those channels are where buildID exposes the most unique entropy (because every day's build has a new buildID). All Firefox Release channel users (for a given OS and Firefox dot-release) have the same buildID.

Alternately, buildID could be hidden behind a domain whitelist pref, seeded with sites working with Mozilla. If you are, say, a Netflix customer, they already know who you are, so exposing your buildID to them is not much of a tracking risk. :)

[1] http://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/webidl/Navigator.webidl#187 [2] http://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/tests/mochitest/bugs/test_bug351601.html#24
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