
Let me start by saying that to me Quantum Flow felt like hugely important
work that made an immediate impact on how people perceive Firefox
I am really excited that we are going to continue working on this.

You often hear people complaining about performance on YouTube and Twitch
etc. Both of these have or had beta versions of their new layouts. I think
we should be more proactive about looking at those to
find performance issues that are going to bite us later. Is there some
reference list of sites we care about in particular, so that we always keep
up with the newest or upcoming version of those?

Just as a quick observation: I tried the twitch beta about a week ago in
Firefox and felt about twice as slow as Chrome. It still takes them a very
long time to load everything, so twitch really needs to look into their
perf as well.

On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 9:40 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> Naveed,
> Thank you for continuing work on performance!
> New profiles that require analysis should be assigned to relevant domain
>> experts.
> Do we have a plan for _generating_ profiles, or at least incentivizing
> generation thereof?  This is a large part of what the Quantum Flow effort
> was about, though I think Ehsan did most of this part of the work.  It
> would be good to scale it better.
> -Boris
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