Have you always felt like JavaScript was a big mistake and always regretted that PyXPCOM never landed into Gecko?

While searchfox is neutral on issues like this, searchfox now has significantly better support for Python[1] than JavaScript[2]!

For example, if you click on https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/query/default?q=calls-to%3A%27mozprofile.profile%3A%3AProfile%3A%3Aset_preferences%27+depth%3A4 searchfox will produce an SVG diagram[3] demonstrating control-flow understanding of a method in mozprofile being called by mozrunner and from there marionette_driver and wptrunner.

Searchfox's understanding of Python is thanks to https://github.com/sourcegraph/scip-python which is built on top of https://github.com/microsoft/pyright.  There is definitely more that could be done here[4], but presumably if you add type annotations nice things will happen.

Searchfox's choice of what Python to understand is encoded at https://github.com/mozsearch/mozsearch-mozilla/blob/436855242ac7e4f56f37aecf12532e5db4c5b2a7/mozilla-central/build#L18-L56 and basically amounts to staying out of the WPT subtree because pyright did not like the WPT subtree[5].  It also stays out of "third_party" directories because I removed them first but maybe they could be added back.


1: (Some) python.

2: As always, please do let your manager know if you think improvements to searchfox could help make you more productive. While https://github.com/sourcegraph/scip-typescript provides a potential avenue to an improved JavaScript/TypeScript experience, a major constraint is that because searchfox already provides a soupy[6] semantic JavaScript experience it's very hard to make incremental improvements without potentially regressing searchfox's existing JS behavior.

3: The diagram is not currently accessible in any meaningful way and I feel it's important to call this out.  Expanding on my most recent mail about improvements to diagramming functionality, searchfox is now populating a data structure that provides information about nodes and the edges between them which is intended to allow https://github.com/cmudig/data-navigator or a similar mechanism to understand the graph at a semantic level and I am working towards this.  Please do note that the improvements in searchfox's semantic understanding of python are not limited to diagramming, however!  For example https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/search?q=symbol:S_py_python_mozprofile.profile%2FProfile%23set_preferences().&redirect=false is a search link on the root node of the diagram.

4: There are cases where a field is initialized to None and then subsequently populated by a very straightforward class construction.  Member accesses of that field lack semantic information, but it seems quite reasonable to assume that the field is of the constructed type and perform a lookup on its field/method accordingly.  This does not happen, but feels like low-hanging fruit.

5: scip-python seems to feed pyright a bunch of data and then turns a crank until the types converge or something like that. The types did not converge!

6: Searchfox's JS analysis assumes all JS is loaded into a single global soup.

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