On 7/9/2007 1:07 PM, Gervase Markham wrote:
> Michael Vincent van Rantwijk, MultiZilla wrote:
>> Hm, and where is this 15% coming from?  Just another assumption?
> It's a conservative estimate of the market share of Firefox.
> Gerv

That implies the assumption that ALL Firefox users would then be using
this feature.

As I previously indicated, this feature should be optional so that users
could still download when there is a hash mismatch.  If there is no such
option, then you will be enforcing security to a greater degree than is
done with SSL and X.509 certificates, which allow a user to continue
even with a certificate mismatch.  If there is an option, then not all
users will use the new feature.

By the way, my own two-week survey in May of hits to my eclectic Web
pages indicated that more than 26% of the hits were from Firefox users
(28.5% were from some type of Gecko engine).  W3Schools -- with a
somewhat specialized audience that likely skews the results -- indicates
a 34% market share for Firefox in June and an overall 35.4% share for
the Gecko engine.

Thus, even if not all Firefox users use a link-fingerprint capability,
it might still have a 15% market penetration.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation. © 1997
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