I 'pushed' and announcement out, but it seems to be hung up somewhere in the mail server.......;).

Frank Hecker wrote:
I thought this was worth noting:


To quote from the Project Dogtag wiki page: "The Dogtag Certificate System is an enterprise-class Open Source Certificate System for Linux. It is based upon a full-featured system, hardened by real-world use, that supports certificate management, key archival, OCSP support, and smartcard life-cycle management." In other words, it's a production quality system for people who want to run their own CAs. (It's also a major server-side application using NSS.)

The Dogtag pedigree dates back over ten years to the Netscape Certificate Management System; see the history page for full details:


Basically Dogtag is to Red Hat Certificate System as Fedora is to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Congratulations to all the people at Red Hat, Sun, and Netscape who worked on this product over the years, and especially to the folks at Red Hat who finally managed to get the whole product released under open source licenses.


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