Kai Engert wrote:
D3|\||\|!$ wrote:
Later on, I decided to test the code onto redhat9

Wow, you're really still using Red Hat Linux version 9?

and now the code
compiles properly but throws up linking error("undefined reference")
with the following functions:
SECU_ConfigDirectory(char const*)

Since the functions are contained in secutil.h, I linked with
libsectool.a - the problem still remained.
So I tried linking with libsecutil.a instead - still, nothing happens.

How do I fix this problem??
Those library calls are part of the command line utilities that NSS uses for it's stand alone commands. There are not shipped with the NSS shared libraries, or part of the mozilla builds. RH-9 got NSS from mozilla, so the library is missing.

You have a couple of options: 1) try to build the library yourself, or 2) include the relevant code in your out application.
The actual code lives in the NSS tree under mozilla/security/nss/cmd/lib .


Maybe try to add
to your gcc command line?



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