Paul Hoffman:

There is a possibility that it doesn't exist. Such a result would be
widely-referenced in the crypto community.

Maybe it has been withdrawn after....a) or b) happened? There could be a few reasons for this...

That is not what I said at all. I said that if Mallory derives the
private from a single CA, he gets the same power as all CAs, namely
to mint certificates for whomever he wants. That has nothing to do
with "the whole pile of roots": just the opposite.

Oh well, that's what I meant more or less...

It's nevertheless interesting, considering that they used some
10,000 PCs and today's botnets comprise usually of many, many more
compromised computers (some sources say up to a million).

Sure, if you ignore the sieving requirements. Probably very few
botnets exist where each of the machines has>128 gigabytes of RAM;

Which it itself is relaxing, however that will change in few years to come I guess. Remember when we used to pay a fortune just to get another 32MB of EDO RAM? Today we buy 8 GB sticks for a mere few hundred bucks or so, which tomorrow will be 64 GB and/or even part of the CPU...I guess that hurdle will be reached rather fast.

...which has not been done yet, at least in public. The largest is
still 528 bits, I believe.

Which reference? It's interesting to know about...

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