Hi all,

I am having a dilemma that I am trying to find a solution for.

In the httpd webserver, if the mod_nss module is loaded, the mod_nss module will try and initialise NSS. If mod_authnz_ldap is loaded into the same server, and mod_authnz_ldap depends on the Mozilla LDAP code that supports ldaps, an attempt is made to initialise NSS again. If the mod_session_crypto module is loaded into httpd, which also depends on NSS, NSS is initialised a third time.

NSS requires that a database is specified when initialised. What happens if an attempt is made to initialise NSS twice?

What happens if you attempt to initialise NSS using different databases? Will the second initialisation attempt fail? Will the second initialisation attempt succeed, but then leave the first module confused?

Has anyone encountered this problem with NSS and apps that are modular in nature?


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