I'll repeat my answer to your question in the opensc list. We should probably keep followups in this list since there is more NSS/mozilla expertise here (which is really where your questionis coming from)...

Akkshayaa Venkatram wrote:


From the mozilla tree, http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/security/nss/lib/pk11wrap/pk11pub.h#109 I want to call the PK11 functions for encrypt, decrypt, sign, verify, etc.. from my Firefox extension that is written in javascript.

SECKEYPrivateKey *PK11_GenerateKeyPair(PK11SlotInfo *slot,
   CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, void *param, SECKEYPublicKey **pubk,
PRBool isPerm, PRBool isSensitive, void *wincx);

I looked at the XPCOM IDL's for PKCS11 and only one very few functions are implemented in that to be called from the javascript. If i have to be able to call the other PK11 functions that works with my smart card device, from the javascript file, what is the best solution ?

Are these functions implemented in any existing IDLs?
Should i write a new XPCOM Interface that links to these PK11 functions?
There is every little PK11_ functions is exported right now, it pretty much happens when someone has a need (like PSM Chrome). That being said, must of the functionality for PK11_GenerateKeyPair is available through either:

1) the keygen tag (I'm not sure how you reach it from XPCOM, but I'm pretty sure it's reachable). --- or --- 2) the crypto.generateCRMFRequest() object off of the window. (see hhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en/GenerateCRMFRequest)

both of these are available to web pages as well as extensions.


Please suggest the best method to proceed further.. Also any useful links that i can refer....

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