sg4all wrote:

I'm trying to set up a apache webserver with mod_nss. When available, OCSP
should be used to verify the validity of the certificate. When the OCSP is

unavailable, CRLs are used.

I installed the CRLS, and configured everything. (My nss.conf is included in
this message).

When I comment out "NSSOCSP On": it validates the certificates using CRL

When "NSSOCSP on" is used, it validates the certificates using OCSP
Not in the default NSS validation scheme. NSS 3.12 has new cert validation code called PKIX. With it comes more control and configuration of the revocation engine. I'm not sure of the state of the code (I think the latest is about ready for prime time), but I'm pretty sure mod_nss isn't set up to use the fine grain control of revocation.


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