On 1/3/2009 6:43 AM, Ian G wrote:
> On 3/1/09 04:38, Eddy Nigg wrote:
>> Before anybody else does, I prefer from posting it myself :-)
>> http://blog.phishme.com/2009/01/nobody-is-perfect/
>> http://schmoil.blogspot.com/2009/01/nobody-is-perfect.html
>> For the interested, StartCom is currently checking if I can release our
>> internal "critical event report" of this event to the public (there
>> might be some internal information which should not be disclosed).
> Leaving aside the details of this "disclosed exploit demo" ... and with 
> a nod to the benefit to the community of such a disclosure ... it is 
> useful to examine the MOTIVE for doing this.
> What incentive exists for a CA in disclosing an apparent weakness?
>     * In the open source world, we would say, the code is there for us 
> to share and improve the code, and the weaknesses are, as a consequence 
> of the model, revealed.  In the open source world, we grasp this nettle 
> and turn it into an advantage.
>     * But in the closed source world, other dynamics work.  A seller of 
> proprietary product will suppress any report of weakness, as this will 
> cause the buying public to become suspicious, and buy some other 
> supplier's product.
> We've seen both sides over the last 2-3 weeks.
> So I guess there are two questions:
>     1.  do we want to live in the world of open disclosure,
>         or the world of pretty facades?
>     2.  if the former, how do we create the incentives
>         such that all prefer to disclose up front?

To a large extent, I addressed this issue from the standpoint of an
outsider discovering a problem more than three years ago in my
<http://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_shootmsngr.html>.  See also my
<http://www.rossde.com/editorials/CalOaksBank.html> (two years ago) for
a comparison of going public versus staying private when an outsider
discovers such a problem.


David E. Ross

Q:  What's a President Bush cocktail?
A:  Business on the rocks.
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