On 09/25/2009 11:58 PM, Kyle Hamilton wrote:
> 2009/9/25 Robert Relyea <rrel...@redhat.com>:
>> Because of the way the system works, deleting a cert from builtins would be
>> equivalent to marking it untrusted. The user could still override our choice
>> in softoken. Unfortunately the trustorder is set on the module, not the slot
>> (/me mentally slapping myself for that), otherwise we could add a second
>> slot in the builtins which had certs which had a lower trust order than
>> softoken. We could then put disabled certs in that second token. It's
>> probably not to difficult to give each slot it's own trust order that
>> overrides the overall module trust order, but it would have to be added to
>> NSS.
> Huh.  So you could theoretically add another module, like libnssckbi,
> that has a lower trust order than softoken, and thus can override even
> softoken's user-set bits.  (It shouldn't be difficult to create
> another PKCS#11 device that has its own slot...)

Yes, but you couldn't get it loaded automatically, and you'd have to do
something external to the token to get it to have precedence over
softoken. By default it wouldn't.
>> This means the feature is probably implementable without a lot of work, but
>> then the question becomes, do we really want to do this? Once implemented,
>> it would be very difficult to turn off (Hmm, well perhaps PSM could control
>> whether or not the 'disabled certs' override the other trust flags as well
>> or not.
> If you want to get rid of the 'disabled certs' override, use secdb to
> remove the disabled certs device from consideration?

This is precisely why I question whether we want to do this. It only
makes sense if FF provides an option to turn off the 'disabled certs'
(load the disabled cert handler at a lower precedence than softoken).

Even then, I'm not sure it makes sense. I've just pointed out we could
build something that would allow us to override a user's choice to trust
a certificate. Before we do so, I really think we need the discussion of
do we really want to.


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