On 10/28/2009 02:25 AM, Konstantin Andreev wrote:
> Hello.
> It looks somewhat strange how default (so-called legacydb) database
> allows upper layer (softoken) to manipulate key's attributes.
Yes, the mapping between what the database could store and change versus
what the PKCS #11 expected to store and change wasn't always very clean.
> [
> http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsblame.cgi?file=mozilla/security/nss/lib/softoken/legacydb/lgattr.c&rev=1.9&mark=1630-1641#1601
> ]
> ---- lg_SetPrivateKeyAttribute() @ lib/softoken/legacydb/lgattr.c ----
> ........
>     case CKA_VALUE:
>     case CKA_PRIME_1:
>     case CKA_PRIME_2:
>     case CKA_EXPONENT_1:
>     case CKA_EXPONENT_2:
>     /* We aren't really changing these values, we are just triggering
>      * the database to update it's entry */
>     *writePrivate = PR_TRUE;
>     crv = CKR_OK;
>     break;
> ........
> -------------------------------------
> One can see that softoken is allowed to change attributes of a RSA
> key, but *NOT* allowed to change attributes of DSA, ECC, DH, etc. keys.
RSA doesn't really allow these attributes to change either.
> Could you, please, advice, how this code was designed, and how
> legacydb *should* grant access to key's attributes ?
Following the ECC and DSA examples should be correct.

The only attributes you really only need to deal with on update is
CKA_LABEL and CKA_ID, both of which is handled in the key type
independent portion of the code (so you shouldn't have to do anything

> Best regards,
> -- 
> Konstantin Andreev, software engineer.
> Swemel JSC

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