On 03/11/2010 05:59 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't help it, but TLS client cert auth is really a very crappy system
> when used in browsers.  I was a little bit surprised once when I logged
> on to the Swedish tax department, then did logout, and returned still
> being logged in!
> Microsoft "solved" this years ago by offering a
> document.execCommand('ClearAuthenticationCache')
> non-standard extension.
> What non-standard quirky thing works in Firefox?
The Microsoft thing is also non-standard. (and also not well documented
-- which version of IE did it show up in?). You are right, we need a way
to clear out the SSL cache. I know NSS provides a way to clear out the
whole SSL cache. Ideally we should have a way to clear out just the
'current' SSL session without requiring new handshakes on connections
with other servers.

Anyway if PSM does not expose a jave script method for accessing the
clear cache command, I'm sure kai or myself would be happy to review a
patch which does.

> Anders

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