On 05/18/2010 02:48 PM, From Gervase Markham:
On 17/05/10 23:16, Robert Relyea wrote:
A more telling quote is:

    "For example, much of the
    advice concerning passwords is outdated and does little
    to address actual threats, and fully 100% of certificate
    error warnings appear to be false positives."

Although he now admits that last half-sentence was "a little provocative": http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/gerv/archives/2009/12/certificate_errors.html

"I completely agree that even 100% false positives doesn’t mean we can get rid of the technology."

Isn't this actually a sign that the technology works? I mean, 100% false positives means literally 100% success.

Obviously it would be desirable to reduce certificate errors and today it's far easier to get rid of them then in the past. It's mostly due to missing knowledge, laziness or stubbornness, but has little to do how browsers treat such errors.


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