On 2010-07-19 10:56 PDT, Caden.smith Smith wrote:

> Just for your information, here is the tree:
>     ADVAPI32.DLL

The factors under the control of the way in which JSS and NSPR are built
end here.  Anything below this point has NOTHING to do with them.

Everything below this point is interdependecies of system libraries.
If you have a system library, 9 levels down, whose presence is TOTALLY
UNKNOWN to JSS and NSPR, and it depends on a missing DLL, that is no
fault of JSS or NSPR, or of the way they were built.

>       SECUR32.DLL
>         NETAPI32.DLL
>           DNSAPI.DLL
>             MPRAPI.DLL
>               SETUPAPI.DLL
>                 SHELL32.DLL
>                   SHDOCVW.DLL
>                     MSHTML.DLL
>                       IEFRAME.DLL that finally requires IESHIMS.DLL and 

My guess is that you've installed some package on your XP system that was
intended for a Vista system, and it installed some Vista DLLs on your XP
system (e.g. it installed a vista IEFRAME.DLL).  That DLL now wants another
vista DLL that is not on your system.  But this has nothing to do with JSS
or NSPR.

I'll add that we've seen this "dependency walker" tool lead developers on
some wild goose chases before, telling them about dependencies that didn't
exist (were not, in fact, real dependencies).  The one windows tool that I
believe for dependency information is the program dumpbin.  Run it as

    dumpbin /dependents some.dll

and it will tell you the other DLLs upon which that named DLL depends.
It will give you the entire list.  Anything not on that list is not a
direct dependency of that named DLL.
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