On 2010-07-20 02:21 PDT, Waldek wrote:
> Hi again,
> is there anybody who's been able to get such a setup working after
> upgrading to FF 3.6.x ??
> Is it a FF 3.6.x bug ??
> Could someone from Mozilla guys state anything in this case ??
> I've no other ideas so far but recommending my customers switching to
> IE, which is not my favorite.
> Please help.

Sadly, there are no longer any developers who are paid to support JSS,
and the one developer who was supporting JSS on his own time no longer
seems to have time to do so.

Perhaps other JSS users here can help you.  You probably need a newer build
of JSS than the one you're using.  But having said that, I cannot tell you
where or how to get one.  Alas.

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