In accepting patches to implement TLS 1.2 and/or AES-GCM cipher suites, is a
(potentially-)FIPS-140-compliant implementation required? Or, would it be
acceptable in the short-term to have an implementation that is known to be
non-compliant and thus disabled in FIPS mode?


The main issue regarding TLS 1.2 and AES-GCM cipher suites is that
standardizing the necessary PKCS#11 interfaces that would lead to a
FIPS-140-compliant implementation using the current strategy for such
compliance would probably cause a very large (many weeks or months) delay,
followed by a long delay in getting Softoken re-validated with those APIs
implemented. Whereas a complete non-FIPS-140-compliant implementation for
NSS could be just a week or two away from being contributed if it was
acceptable to disable it in FIPS mode.


Note that IE8 on Windows 7 already implements TLS 1.2 and a couple AES-GCM
cipher suites, so these are both needed for IE parity. Opera also implements
TLS 1.2 but not AES-GCM cipher suites. Also note that Windows' AES-GCM
implementation is marked "non-compliant" on its FIPS 140-2 validation
(probably for the same reason I think the PKCS#11 interface for AES-GCM is
wrong), so that leads me to believe that IE8's AES-GCM implementation is not
enabled in FIPS mode, but I didn't verify that yet.


My other question is: Which reviewers would have time to review such





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