On 2011-03-10 22:07, Brian Smith wrote:
> "Jean-Marc Desperrier" wrote:

>> The rule doesn't change so much : you still need to enter your
>> password inside a secure element, ie if we teach user it's OK to
>> enter their SRP password in a non secure GUI "because it won't be
>> sent to the server" we loose.
> It's hard to explain what a "secure element" is to somebody.
> It's much easier to say "make sure the address bar turns green
> and says 'PayPal, Inc.'" but even that's asking too much most of the time.

If you use PKI + PIN-code a PIN code given to a bad server through a
spoofed GUI doesn't represent a major security issue since the bad guy
has no use of it unless he has local access to your computer/token/SE.

This is another reason why SRP is the wrong solution.

Unfortunately NSS has no support for PIN provisioning through the
browser so all this is mainly "theory" except for a few lucky who
(for example) have a PIV card.

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