On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 3:27 AM, Gervase Markham <g...@mozilla.org> wrote:

> * Can you provide some background or references on exactly how
> ciphersuite construction and choice works? Can I invent e.g.
> TLS_DHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_MD5 or some other random combination of
> elements? Can any combination be encoded in the ClientHello? Does the
> server support specific sets, or will it support my combination if it
> supports all the component pieces?

No, each combination is hard-coded into its own distinct code point that is
registered with IANA:
This is a design choice based on the fact that many crypto modules don't
let you mix/match algorithms at will, and because you often can't/shouldn't
move keys between crypto modules.

> * "We should avoid leaking the distinction between mobile and desktop
> products in the TLS handshake, which means that the handshake should
> look the same on mobile and desktop."
> Why is this a goal? There are many, many other ways of determining this
> distinction, some supported by Mozilla (e.g. the UserAgent string).

There is a difference between leaking to somebody on the network and
leaking to the server you are connecting to. Remember that TLS hides the
User-Agent string and other HTTP-level information is hidden from others on
the network. So, if Firefox for Android and Firefox for Desktop use the
exact same TLS handshaking logic/parameters, then it should be possible to
make them indistinguishable from each other.

> The same question applies to your point about avoiding TLS
> fingerprinting. I think it should be a goal to make it hard to
> distinguish between specific instances of Firefox, but it seems to be
> not a goal to avoid people distinguishing between Firefox and IE, or
> Firefox for desktop and Firefox for Android.

If every browser's TLS handshake were to look the same, then observers on
the network wouldn't be able to tell browsers apart, though the website you
are connecting to obviously would. I admit that is a state that is likely
to be difficult to obtain.

* "this proposal does not recommend supporting the CBC-HMAC-SHA-2-based
> ciphersuites that those browsers recently added"
> Can you spell out why? Is it because they don't offer forward secrecy?

It is explained below. Worse performance, no security benefit, and they
take up space in the handshake.

> * "In the course of testing TLS 1.2 and the ALPN TLS extension, the
> Chromium team recently found that some servers choke when the
> ClientHello message in the TLS handshake is larger than 256 bytes."
> How many bytes are taken up per ciphersuite? How many can we probably
> fit in, if we say we need to include all the other stuff?

They take two bytes per ciphersuite. If the 256-byte limitation cannot be
worked around, then we basically can't afford to waste *any* bytes in the
TLS handshake. It is already likely going to be very difficult for us to
support the ALPN extension as it is, even after making these reductions.

> * Re: Camellia and SEED: we should talk to the organisations which
> pushed for their addition, and our business development people in the
> region, before eliminating them. (This is not to say that we will
> definitely not remove them if they raise objections.)

Do you have suggestions for who to contact?

> * "Given our current understanding, HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-256, and
> HMAC-SHA-384 are all more-or-less equal in terms of security given how
> they are used in TLS."
> However, if we never use them, then have to switch to them because a
> problem arises with HMAC-SHA-1, how will they have received any testing?

> More generally, is there a place for including ciphersuites 'of the
> future', perhaps at lower priority, to try and make sure there aren't
> problems or interop issues with them?

We will soon have AES-GCM and we'll hopefully soon have
Salsa20/12+(Poly1305|UMAC|VMAC) to mitigate that. Relying on either/both of
those alternatives kills more birds with fewer stones. I think ultimately
we'd rather have all HMAC-based ciphersuites also marked deprecated, for
performance and security reasons.

> * Your final section says what cipersuites should be added and dropped.
> Is this simply a config change with testing, or does it require code to
> be written in one or more of the TLS stacks?

Dropping ciphersuites is a simple configuration change.

In the top table, the "notes" column lists the ciphersuites that will
require code changes to NSS and to SChannel. Bug
880543<https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=880543>tracks the
addition of AES-GCM ciphersuites to NSS's libssl. OpenSSL
already implements them. I think Google may be working on
Sals20/12+Poly1305 ciphersuites and there has been some small progress on
adding Sals20/12 ciphersuites in the IETF TLS working group.

Reordering ciphersuites in SChannel can be done with a configuration change
to the app. Reordering ciphersuites in NSS either requires us to reorder
them for all apps, or to add an API to customize the order to libssl. I
would prefer to change the order in NSS itself.

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