On Mon, 2014-12-08 at 16:59 +0000, David Woodhouse wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-12-08 at 16:44 +0000, Martinsson Patrik wrote:
> > Well,not really, it turns out that the gnome-settings-daemon loads the
> > opensc-module directly from /etc/pki/nssdb. So if I don't import the
> > opensc-module in there, gnome-settings-daemon wont recognize
> > inserts/removals. I choosed to import the p11-kit-proxy instead of
> > opensc-module directly because then I got the 'system trust' as well
> > automatically. If I'm not missing something here of course (which very
> > well might be the case since this is *a hassle*). 
> Anything needing system trust will be loading libnssckbi.so explicitly,
> do doesn't need you to add it to any secmod.db/pkcs11.txt.

Yea, well I would say that gsd explicity load /etc/pki/nssdb, in the
file plugins/smartcard/gsd-smartcard-manager.c there's a function called
"load_nss" that handles exactly that part. 

And running gsd in debugmode, you'll see something like this, 

(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG: attempting to
load NSS database '/etc/pki/nssdb'
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG: NSS database
'/etc/pki/nssdb' loaded
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG: taking name
org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Smartcard on session bus
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG: Getting list of
suitable drivers
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG: Activating driver
'OpenSC PKCS #11 Module'
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG: watching for
smartcard events
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG: Detected slot -1
is empty in reader
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG: Detected
smartcard insertion event in slot 1
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG:
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG:  Token 'My token'
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG:  Inserted: yes
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG:  Previously used
to login: yes
(gnome-settings-daemon:16246): smartcard-plugin-DEBUG:

So, If I don't have opensc-module, one way or another in
(sql):/etc/pki/nssdb I will loose all functionality that gsd brings me,
for example "lock screen at card removal". 

If this implementation is wrong and should be done in another way I
cannot answer for. I just know what works and what doesn't. 

> > Ok, that may be the case. I was under the impression though that GKR had
> > sat its password to my PIN (changing the PIN code will actually result
> > in a dialog where it's asking me for my password at login time, since it
> > can't unlock my GKR).
> Hm, OK. Maybe it is. I can see how that would work with the way it
> 'steals' the password from the PAM stack. I would imagine that it's
> using the same password for *all* its storage, rather than different
> passwords. So perhaps just ignore my suggestion; it's probably not that.
> > 
> > > This is theoretically fixable — if you have the smartcard present for
> > > login, GKR ought to be able to use *its* key for decrypting the storage.
> > 
> > > (When authenticating with pam_winbind against Active Directory we have
> > > similar issues for which we want to use the BackupKey Remote Protocol to
> > > provide a key: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9979 )
> > > 

So here are my observations from an "first login time user", I've done 
this multiple times with new profiles, and it's the same behavior every
time, maybe there is a logical reason for these behavior , but it's
seems rather fishy to me. 

- I've now verified that both the "Login" keyring and the "gnome2
key storage" gets my PIN as password when logging in the first time.
This is fine, I like this approach. However, only the "Login" keyring
get's unlocked when logging in. And, how do we handle the
"keyring-passwords" when a user changes it's PIN ? 

- First thing I did was to open up seahorse, to my surprise the "Gnome2
Key Storage" wasn't there. However, ls -la ~/.local/share/keyrings shows
both "login.keyring" and "user.keystore". Logging out and loggin in
again, and the "Gnome2 Key Storage" is now visible in seahorse. 
- If the "Gnome2 Key Storage" isn't unlocked Firefox will indeed ask me
for credentials to it when visiting a site requiring my smart card.
Firefox will ask me every time until I check the box, "Automatically
unlock at login", if I've checked this box, Firefox will never ask me

Interesting note is that, visiting a site that requires smart card, and
when the "Gnome2 Key Storage" keyring isn't unlocked, you can't get out
of that prompt until you have provided the right password for "Gnome2
Key Storage". If you just hit cancel, the prompt comes back (and it
blocks me from interacting with anything else on the desktop). So
basically what I'm saying is that there is no way out from that
situation if you don't (for whatever reason) know the password to your
"Gnome2 Key Storage"-keyring. This seems definitly as a dangerous
situation, seems to me like the right thing to do is just "cancel
whatever we were doing" if the user presses cancel. 

- Evolution will ask me every time for the "Gnome2 Key Storage"-keyring,
this is probably due to the bug you filed and fixed. It doesn't matter
if the keyring is unlocked or not, but as stated, this is probably
because of the bug. 

- When logging in for the first time, both "login.keyring" and "Gnome2
Key Storage"-keyring are created. However, only the "login.keyring" is
beeing automatically unlocked per default (it will unlock automatically
if I check that box when entering a password to it). I wonder though if
it wouldn't be the right thing to unlock that keyring as well when
logging in. And, where does this "Automatically unlock at login"-setting
beeing saved, I cannot seem to find it anywhere (I'm just curios how I
manually can handle this without the gui). 

> > > > And in my casse, *both* evolution and firefox asks me for, 
> > > > - First Password to my "Gnome2 Key Storage", 
> > > > - When entered, next dialog sows up, "Enter Password to unlock the 
> > > > certificate/Key storage" (and the option to automatically unlock it 
> > > > whenever I'm logged in"
> > > > - When entered, next dialog pops up, "Enter the password for secret 
> > > > store" 
> Screw it, just delete /usr/share/p11-kit/modules/gnome-keyring.module

- What is "Gnome2 Key Storage"-kerying anyway, what is it actually used for. 
Everything seems 
  end up in "Login"-keyring anyway ? I'm confused. 

> You didn't actually want to *use* it for PKCS#11 anyway.

- Isn't there a reason for gnome-kering.module to be a pkcs11 module you mean ? 

> > Maybe the "best thing" thing here would be to add opensc-pkcs11 and
> > p11-kit-trust to /etc/pki/nssdb. Even though as you say, it shouldn't be
> > necessary, but I would like to state otherwise (since
> > gnome-settings-daemon doesn't work correctly without the opensc module
> > in there). But, that's probably because of, 
> > 1 ) a bug in gnome-settings-daemon how the initialization of nssdb is
> > done,  
> > 2 ) me missing something about how gnome-settings-daemon initializes
> > "smartcard-stuff"
> What exactly is the issue with gnome-settings-daemon? What's it supposed
> to do with the smartcard? I can't see *any* reference to /etc/pki/nssdb
> in its source code at first glance...

See my answer in the beginning. 
> We should probably file a bug for that. If OpenSC is there in the
> system's p11-kit configuration, it should be seen by
> gnome-settings-daemon. I know that NSS applications are often
> second-class citizens in this respect but a GNOME application *needs* to
> do the right thing even if it has to jump through extra hoops (or get
> ported to GnuTLS) in order to do so.
> I still maintain that the path to sanity involves killing /etc/pki/nssdb
> entirely, and then you can look at applying *correct* fixes to
> whatever's still not behaving correctly.

/Me is getting more confused for every day that passes ;)  

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