On 12/11/2014 12:33 AM, helpcrypto helpcrypto wrote:
Hi again, sorry for delay.

Yes, you can (SHOULD) use SunPKCS#11 to access directly the
You can do it two ways:

  - attack libraries directly
  - parse (legacy) secmod.db on Firefox profile to list modules/libraries.
Actually this is a very good way to corrupt your database. Mozilla still uses the old database, so accessing you NSS database from SunPKCS#11 with another softoken module while you are running will corrupt your database.

Unfortunately the only safe way is to use JSS, as sucky as it is. You can use JSS as just a provider and use your normal Java interfaces, however. You don't need to use the direct to NSS bindings.


Have a look on


It's quite complex, so if you get lost, I could try to send you some code.


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 7:48 PM, <opa...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have the same question / problem.

I want to access the mozilla keystore (firefox and thundebird) via Java
(No Java Applet) or C#? I found the JSS/NSS Provider, but no information on
how to use it and on which way i can access the keystores. So how is it
possible? Little example Code would be helpful. And is it possible with C#?

Or there are other ways to access them? maybe read in the whole cert8.db
file, but it looks like that the file is encrypted. so the question is, how
could i decrpyt the file?

Hope someone could help :)
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