On Tue, 2015-05-05 at 12:29 +0100, Alan Braggins wrote:
> On 04/05/15 21:53, David Woodhouse wrote:
> > > On Mon, May 4, 2015 1:25 pm, David Woodhouse wrote:
> > > >   Surely that's not unique? Using the above example, surely the first
> > > >   certificate issued by the 2010 instance of 'My CA', and the first
> > > >   certificate issued by the 2015 instance, are both going to have
> > > >   identical CKA_ISSUER and CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER, aren't they?
> > > No, every subject and serial must be unique. If the 2010 and 2015 instance
> > > are distinct bytes, they need distinct serial numbers.
> > I was speaking of the serial numbers of certificates issued *by* those two
> > separate CAs. Or are you suggesting that those sets of serial numbers muat
> > be disjoint?
> You mean the 2015 instance is a re-signing of the "same" certificate?
> Isn't the signature included in the "distinct bytes", meaning it's still a
> new certificate which needs a new serial number, even if it's based on
> the same request and the request is signed by the same key.

Nonono, forget the CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER on the 'My CA' objects. Those are
irrelevant — and yes, if those two were actually issued by the same
ancestor CA then you're quite right that they'll need to have
different serial numbers.

That wasn't what I was talking about though.

I'm talking about the serial numbers of the certs issued *by* the two
"My CA"s.

Let's assume each CA starts at '1' — that in each case the
CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER of the first cert issued *by* 'My CA' is "1".

Now, since each of those CAs issues a cert with CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER="1",
and in both cases the CKA_ISSUER of that issued cert is 'My CA', that
means the combination of CKA_ISSUER and CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER does *not*
uniquely identify a certificate, surely?

(Unless the two CAs in question are expected to use *disjoint* number
spaces for the CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER of certificates that they themselves

> (But that the CKA_SUBJECT and CKA_ID pair will uniquely identify the
> private key that both certificates apply to. Years of working with HSMs
> have left me with the attitude that the private key is the important bit,
> and any certificate is someone else's problem, so issuer and serial number
> are irrelevant :-)
> But I do realize that's not the typical application view.)

Right. And this is what we have the X509v3 Subject Key Identifier and
Authority Key Identifier for :)

That's exactly my point above. CKA_ISSUER doesn't uniquely specify the
issuer. The X509v3 Authority Key Identifier is a whole lot better.

This is precisely the background which made me object to the statement
about CKA_ISSUER+CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER being unique. I'm *sick* of people
assuming that CKA_ISSUER is meaningful :)

My employer has a habit of creating new CAs with the same subject as
old ones. So I've dealt with a number of bugs where validation fails
because some piece of code assumes that it can find the issuer of a
given certificate by looking for the first CA in the database whose
CKA_SUBJECT matches the CKA_ISSUER of the certificate in question.

Depending on the order of the certs in the ca-trust file, OpenSSL used
to select the *wrong* one of the many CAs with matching subject, then
check the signature and declare it invalid (which I fixed in RT#1942).
It also used to send the wrong one on the wire in an SSL exchange, and
I have code in the OpenConnect VPN client to explicitly add the
*right* ones.

When doing validation from a PKCS#11 trust database like p11-kit
-trust, GnuTLS also had a similar issue which I fixed more recently.

I found another such bug just *yesterday* in the pesign tool when I
was looking at the issues with NSS's lack of integration with the
system PKCS#11 configuration.

So you'll forgive me if I object to Bob's assertion that 'the only
unique way to identify a cert is CKA_ISSUER and CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER"
even though it's a digression from the real topic at hand. It pushes
my buttons :)


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