On Tue, 2016-03-01 at 17:09 +0000, David Woodhouse wrote:
> I have a promising GSoC candidate who is interested in working on bug
> 1162897 (RFC7512 URI support¹), and potentially also on bug 248722
> (honour the system-wide configuration for PKCs#11 modules, when it
> exists²).
> I am more than happy to co-mentor, but I think it *really* needs a
> proper NSS developer to be the primary mentor. Could I interest
> anyone in helping out, please?

Thanks Bob for volunteering!


So... first we need to add it to the wiki at

I went through the process of applying for a wiki account a few days
ago, but haven't seen anything yet. If someone could add it, that'd be
much appreciated. Here's a draft of what it would look like, even:

| Implement RFC7512 PKCS#11 URI support and system integration
| [https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7512 RFC7512] defines a URI standard
for identifying PKCs#11 tokens and the objects therein. We need to
implement a PK11_FindCertByURI() or similar function, and also make it
possible to obtain/generate the URI for a given CERT and other objects
which have been found/selected by other means.
See [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1162897 bug 1162897]
for details.
Also, NSS does not obey the system configuration for which PKCS#11
tokens to load, as described in [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.
cgi?id=248722 bug 248722]. We should fix this too.
| C coding, familiarity with PKCS#11 preferable
| dwmw2
| rrelyea,dwmw2


GSoC candidates are supposed to get familiar with the code and submit a
bug fix during the application period, so I have (filed and) suggested 
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1253211 — it should be a
relatively simple job to fix NSSTrustDomain_TraverseCertificates()
*not* to take O(n²) time by using a hash table or something similar,
and seems ideal as a way to get familiar with precisely the code that
needs to be worked on. (Fixing it so that it applies filters (such as
matching the email address) *before* building up the list of results
and spending time de-duplicating them, might involve API changes and
might be best left for a later date.)


For the project itself, I've been working with Varun on IRC to get him
up to speed. I figured it was worth doing that in email for posterity,
to allow others to "play along", and to solicit constructive feedback.

I started by referring to some online documentation to understand the
expectation of how things "should work". Which is basically expressed
in the Fedora packaging guidelines as three points:

 • Packages which use SSL certificates/keys from a file or elsewhere
   SHOULD also support using certs/keys from PKCS#11 tokens. 
 • Where PKCS#11 objects are specified in a textual form which is 
   visible to the user (e.g. on the command line or in a config file), 
   objects SHOULD be specified in the form of a PKCS#11 URI as as 
   described in RFC7512. 
 • Packages which can use PKCS#11 tokens SHOULD automatically use the 
   tokens which are present in the system's p11-kit configuration, 
   rather than needing to have a PKCS#11 provider explicitly specified.

(From https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:SSLCertificateHandling )

Fedora also has some documentation for packagers to help them establish
whether their package conforms to these guidelines: 

Obviously this isn't at all a Fedora-specific thing. The RFC7512 URI
format is applicable everywhere, and p11-kit provides a "system
configuration" for which PKCS#11 modules to load on fairly much *all*
Linux systems, and many non-Linux systems. But Fedora has documentation
and sets clear expectations for packagers.

There's also http://www.infradead.org/openconnect/pkcs11.html which is
targeted at users who just want to find the URI of the token/cert they
need to use, and then use it.


Here's where I'm transitioning from the overview of the system
integration, to the specifics of how to implement it in NSS, and would
really appreciate feedback.

I've suggested that a reasonable target for completion would probably
be to fix the cURL bug filed at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1219544
(although again, this is *not* Fedora or Red Hat specific).

As we're looking at two independent bugs, I suggested to work around
the first (#248722) purely by adding p11-kit-proxy.so to the NSS
database in ~/.pki/nssdb to start with:
 $ modutil -dbdir sql:`pwd` -add p11-kit-proxy -libfile 

Now we can focus on URI support. I'd start by adding new functions like
PK11_FindCertsFromUri(), PK11_FindSlotByUri(), and the various other
parallel functions for other objects. This basically resolves the
system integration and behaviour problem, as long as applications are
updated to use the new APIs. 

However, a *complete* implementation in NSS also needs to give
applications a way to obtain the URI of a given object. Which would
mean adding new methods such as CERT_GetPkcs11Uri(), perhaps adding a
new field containing the URI to the PK11SlotInfo structure, etc.

Once that's all done, then I'd suggest we look at the system
integration (loading the right modules) as a second stage.

As noted, using p11-kit-proxy.so is a cheap trick which kind of makes
that work. But *ideally* we'd actually coordinate the NSS-loaded
modules properly with the p11-kit-loaded modules — one of the explicit
goals of p11-kit is to handle the coordination when the same PKCS#11
token is loaded from *multiple* places within an application (e.g.
different crypto libraries in different loadable plugins). So we should
probably do better. And it's already been suggested in bug 1162897]
that we should link directly to libp11-kit for its URI support, rather
than reinventing the wheel...

Anyway, the details of that part can come later, I suspect. There's
enough here for Varun to be digesting...

David Woodhouse                            Open Source Technology Centre
david.woodho...@intel.com                              Intel Corporation

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