Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to ask what people think about officially deprecating LevelDB
in our 5.x broker and update our documentation to say that it is no longer
recommended.  We can leave it in the code base for people who are still
using it but discourage its use.

The main reason is that KahaDB continues to be the main focus where bugs
are fixed and not much attention is paid to LevelDB. There seems to be
several issues with corruption (especially with replication) so I don't
think it should be a recommended store unless the stability is sorted out.
Unfortunately nearly every Jira reported against LevelDB goes ignored.

Now that Artemis exists and supports replication I think the focus should
be primarily on making Artemis the focus for users who need a replicated
store or to encourage the use of something like a shared file system
master/slave setup.

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