
anybody has an idea why in the xdocs proposal we are using dvsl to format into html the documentation, while we are using the anakia task for the rest of ant's web site ?
There is one thing I like about anakia : it can process CDATA sections with build file examples where in the XML there are litteral < > ...

I have tried inserting such a CDATA section in the proposal/xdocs/src/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/Javadoc.xml

This results in dvsl complaining and not processing this section :

[dvsl] [warn] org.apache.velocity.runtime.exception.ReferenceException: reference : template = source [line 465,column 47] : $toolbox.htmlescape.getText( $node.value() ) is not a valid reference.

So, is there something that dvsl can do and that anakia can't ?



Here is the snippet which I have tentatively inserted into Javadoc.xml :

<section anchor="examples" name="Example">
<target name="cond" depends="cond-if,cond-else"/>

<target name="check-cond">
 <condition property="cond-is-true">
       <equals arg1="${prop1}" arg2="$${prop1}" />
       <equals arg1="${prop2}" arg2="$${prop2}" />
     <equals arg1="${prop3}" arg2="$${prop3}" />

<target name="cond-if" depends="check-cond" if="cond-is-true">
 <echo message="yes"/>

<target name="cond-else" depends="check-cond" unless="cond-is-true">
 <echo message="no"/>

(totally unrelated to Javadoc but a good example, taken from faq.xml.

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