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The Ant Team is proud to announce the first Beta release of
Apache AntUnit 1.0.

AntUnit is an Ant Library - a library of tasks - that was initially
developed to write tests for Ant tasks without resorting to JUnit.  It
makes it easy to turn an existing build file that exhibits an error
into an AntUnit test.

Tests are written as targets in a build file, for example 

  <target name="testCopy" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit">
    <au:assertFileDoesntExist file="copytest1.tmp"/>
    <copy file="copy.xml" tofile="copytest1.tmp"/>
    <au:assertFileExists file="copytest1.tmp"/>

would validate that <copy> actually creates the file.

The <antunit> task executes targets in a collection of build files and
supports custom listeners in a manner similar to <junit>'s formatters.

AntUnit may be useful outside the realm of testing Ant tasks as well,
the assertion tasks may be used to validate pre-conditions or the
whole Antlib can be used to drive functional/integration tests of
arbitrary software via Ant - if the results of those tests can be
asserted from "the outside".

AntUnit 1.0 Beta 1 is available at
- - it requires Ant 1.7.0 Beta 2 or later.

Please direct any feedback to dev@ant.apache.org and use Ant's
Bugzilla instance for enhancement requests and bug reports.
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