On Jun 19, 2010, at 1:38 PM, Bruce Atherton wrote:

> Ant supplies several tasks that require commercial software in order to run. 
> This is a problem because the Ant developers do not typically have access to 
> the commercial products required to test, maintain, and enhance the tasks. It 
> also means that users downloading the binary edition of Ant end up with a lot 
> of tasks that they cannot use.
> In order to rectify this situation, I'm calling a vote on how to deal with 
> these unsupportable tasks. The vote is composed of two parts: should we drop 
> support for each of these tasks from the Ant release, and should we establish 
> the commercial tasks that have been dropped as Antlibs in the sandbox.
> 1. Should the following commercial tasks be dropped from being distributed 
> with the Ant release?
> [  ]  Continuous/Synergy tasks:  CCMCheckin, CCMCheckout, CCMCheckinTask, 
> CCMReconfigure, CCMCreateTask
> [  ]  Clearcase tasks: CCCheckin, CCCheckout, CCUnCheckout, CCUpdate, 
> CCMklbtype, CCMklabel, CCRmtype, CCLock, CCUnlock, CCMkbl, CCMkattr, CCMkdir, 
> CCMkelem
> [  ]  Perforce Tasks: P4Sync, P4Change, P4Edit, P4Submit, P4Have, P4Label, 
> P4Labelsync, P4Counter, P4Reopen, P4Revert, P4Add, P4Delete, P4Integrate, 
> P4Resolve, P4Fstat
> [  ]  PVCS
> [  ]  ServerDeploy, but only for the jonas and weblogic nested elements, 
> generic can stay where it is.
> [  ]  Source Offsite: sosget, soslabel, soscheckin, soscheckout
> [  ]  Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (already an Antlib)

+1 to all

> 2. Should the commercial tasks that are voted for dropping from Ant core 
> above be established in their own Antlibs in the sandbox?
> [  ]  +1 = Yes, establish one new Antlib in the sandbox for each task dropped
>      -1 = No, just drop the commercial tasks altogether from Ant



> Note that question 1 is a  vote for code modification, so any -1 vote on 
> question 1 is considered a veto. Question 2 is just for guidance from the 
> community about whether there is a desire to keep the commercial tasks around 
> in Antlibs. Since any committer can create a sandbox Antlib at any time, the 
> vote is non-binding and any -1 vote just indicates that the voter does not 
> think that this is a good idea rather than being a veto.
> Three or more +1 votes with no -1 votes are required for dropping any of the 
> commercial tasks. The vote will end in one week.
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