On 2010-12-15, Paul King wrote:

> After a little more testing, one thing I did notice was an
> apparent stricter treatment of property expansion.
> With 1.8.1, having an arg to a forked java task like this:

> <arg value="-DskipFetch=${skipFetch}"/>

> was happily ignored if skipFetch wasn't defined.
> With 1.8.2, we now get a failed build with reason:

> Property skipFetch was circularly defined.

> The fix was to add a default property defn but it seems
> like such a behavior change in a minor update release
> should warrant an entry in the WHATSNEW at least?

I don't think this a conscious change but rather a side effect of a
change somewhere else.  But it must be more complex than that, I don't
get a warning like yours with

    <target name="foo">


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