is a feature request where the 
users have asked for relevant timeouts while dealing with downloads. A few 
weeks back we had a very brief discussion in an unrelated mail where it was 
proposed that we allow configuring these timeout all the way from ivy settings. 

I have an initial proposal/attempt to implement this feature. The initial 
changes are here in my personal repo[1]. It's a work in progress commit which 
sets up the necessary interfaces and the flow to show what I have in mind. 
Before proceeding further, I would like some inputs on whether this looks fine. 
Here's a summary of what the changes are going to be: 

- Each (dependency) resolver will have the ability to specify "timeout 

- These timeout constraints will be specified while defining the resolver in 
the ivy settings file. Imagine something like: 



            <ibiblio ...> 

                <timeout-constraints connection-timeout="" read-timeout=""/> 



- Each of the resolver will then use these timeout constraints (if specified) 
while resolving the module descriptor and downloading the artifacts and dealing 
with those resources. 

- The absence of the timeout constraints will let the resolvers behave the way 
they do currently 

The changes in the linked commit deprecate some APIs which weren't using 
timeouts and are replaced by APIs which pass along (an optional) 

In summary, the change being proposed is that (dependency) resolvers have the 
ability to specify these timeout constraints and then use them while dealing 
with module descriptors and artifacts. One thing I have (to some extent 
intentionally) left out is the ability to define a global Ivy settings level or 
"all resolvers" level timeout-constraints. That's because I'm not too sure if 
it adds much value instead of defining it at individual resolver level. I'm 
however open to adding that support as well. 

The linked commit currently doesn't have the necessary support for parsing 
these additional XML elements, but if this whole approach looks fine, I will 
take this further and make sure things work as expected. 




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