Those of you who haven't yet heard, the upcoming JDK 17 release will be deprecating (for future removal) the SecurityManager classes and some of the related infrastructure. The complete details of this proposed change are explained here

The initial changes around this are already available in an early access release of JDK 17 which is available at

Ant is one of the projects that will be impacted since we internally deal with Java's SecurityManager APIs especially when the "permissions" type is used in Ant builds.

I think it would be good to hear from the users of Ant if/how they will be impacted by these changes in the JDK and how severe that impact will be. Please take a look at the JEP and even try out your project builds using the latest early access of JDK and report any issues that you might notice.

Please do remember that the proposed change for JDK 17 is making SecurityManager deprecated for future removal and it is _not_ being removed or its behaviour changed in JDK 17 (although you will start seeing some diagnostic warning messages, from the JDK itself, bringing to your attention this deprecation).


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