Hello everyone,

Some of you might have been following the recent discussions in JDK where the SecurityManager and related APIs will be deprecated (for removal) starting the upcoming Java 17 release. To be clear, this change in Java will have no impact in terms of API usage in Java 17 (except for warnings being logged). However, after Java 17, these APIs may not exist. The whole JEP is available at https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/411.

Ant project will be impacted by this. Ant provides a "permissions" type[1] whose whole goal is to integrate with the Java SecurityManager to allow users to configure the necessary security permissions. With the SecurityManager and the APIs potentially gone after Java 17, we can no longer support this. One additional point to note here is that, Ant also uses the SecurityManager APIs even when "permissions" type is not involved, at least in the "java" task and the "junit" task, where we setup a SecurityManager with very minimal permissions.

When a EA release of Java 17 was tested against the Ant project, it exposed issues around the amount of warning messages that were being logged by the new Java release for basic Ant builds. The JDK team took that input and fixed that part. Discussion about that can be seen in this thread[2].

At this stage, the dust seems to have settled about the plans around SecurityManager in the JDK and it's clear that it will be gone post Java 17. We (the Ant project) will have to decide and come up with a way where we (the Ant project) will no longer support "permissions" or use SecurityManager APIs post Java 17. I personally haven't been involved in the original SecurityManager integration in Ant and don't have enough background knowledge about this part in Ant nor do I know how many of our users use the "permissions" type or rely on SecurityManager (I was in fact unaware we even had a "permissions" type, until I decided to dig around our code recently to see if/how we will be impacted by SecurityManager API changes). Given this, I would like to have some discussion on how we should proceed with this.

[1] https://ant.apache.org/manual/Types/permissions.html
[2] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/security-dev/2021-June/026660.html


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