
when running this macro:

global doc as object

sub LockerCheck
        dim args(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue

        doc = ThisComponent
        args(0).Name = "xInstance"
        args(0).Value = doc
        args(1).Name = "nActions"
        args(1).Value = 1 'com.sun.star.embed.PREVENT_CLOSE
        psm = GetProcessServiceManager()
        lck = 
psm.createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.embed.InstanceLocker", args())
        if NOT IsNull(lck) then lck.dispose()
end sub

the answer is not 42 but a messagebox saying:

  Nonempty reference is expected as the first argument!

In parallel to the IDE there is only one writer doc opened for filling
"ThisComponent" with something useful.

What's going wrong here?


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