Hi Ariel,
Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
[thanks for the flowers on your previous mail :-)  ]
Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt!

as we have it in OOo Basic and ooRexx, here is in Java:
Thanks, great!

the output in Linux/SuSe is
Great, thank you for that as well!

in all the cases the "physical" LibraryContainer/Script [for example
user/basic/Standard/Module1.xba] seems to turns to
LibraryContainer.Script with getStorageURI()

* in OOo Basic
turns to
 instead of

* BeanShell
vnd.sun.star.script:HelloWorld.helloworld.bsh?language=BeanShell&location=share file:///opt/openoffice.org2.4/program/../share/Scripts/beanshell/HelloWorld.helloworld.bsh
instead of ../share/Scripts/beanshell/HelloWorld/helloworld.bsh

* JavaScript
vnd.sun.star.script:HelloWorld.helloworld.js?language=JavaScript&location=share file:///opt/openoffice.org2.4/program/../share/Scripts/javascript/HelloWorld.helloworld.js
instead of ../share/Scripts/javascript/HelloWorld/helloworld.js

* Java
vnd.sun.star.script:HelloWorld.HelloWorld.printHW?language=Java&location=share file:///opt/openoffice.org2.4/program/../share/Scripts/java/HelloWorld.HelloWorld.printHW
instead of ../share/Scripts/java/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.printHW

The Python example may look special:

turns to

while the "real" location is

The bottom line: I've no idea what rule it follows

* for using the dot instead of the slash
* for using "$" in the Python example instead of the point, as in
Standard.Module1.Main (instead of Standard.Module1$Main)
It seems to me that the dollar sign is just a delimiter between the file name containing the Python code and the Python function that should be run within that file.

Here is the output of running a Python script URL using the dot between the root directory and the subdirectory where the Python script is located:

file:///D:/Programme/OpenOffice.org%202.4/share/Scripts/oorexx/pythonSamples.TableSample.py$createTable vnd.sun.star.script:pythonSamples.TableSample.py$createTable?language=ooRexx&location=share

Another good question I didn't try yet is: what are we allowed to do
with this storage URI? can it be used with UCB methods to access the
Well, it is helpful already to turn a script with a physical path into the script URI OOo expects us to use.

I found this ScriptURIHelper looking for a better way to embedded Java
Archives (JARs) and Python scripts inside OOo documents, as the
Scripting Framework has left them alone [can ooRexx be also embedded
inside OOo docs.?].

Currently I'm using the embed API (http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/embed/module-ix.html)
to store the JAR and the parcel descriptor.
Well, ooRexx is using the Java scripting framework of OOo, which is also used for BeanShell or JavaScript (Rhino, the Java implementation by Mozilla), if I am not mistaken. This framework will allow to create and store scripts with "user", "share" or "document".

The ooRexx (written in C++) support uses the Java scripting framework BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) from Apache, cf. <http://jakarta.apache.org/bsf/>, which allows Java programs to easily employ any of its supported scripting languages, and vice versa, BSFEngine implementations may allow scripting languages to interact with Java objects. So in essence this is what happens:

   ooRexx-script <-> BSF4Rexx <-> OOo Scripting Framework <-> OOo

Again, the BSF framework is a Java framework and could be used to make more scirpting languages available to OOo. The ooRexx support could serve as a model for it.

Was thinking about offering/submitting a talk on the architecture and what one could do with it for UNO/OOo for the OOo-Con, but am unsure whether such a topic would be interesting for the attendees. (Although it may be interesting for developers for learning how one would proceed in order to add new scripting languages to OOo. Having all nuts and bolts put on the table and learning how the parts play together could help jump-start others.)

Another thing I didn't try is if/how the ScriptURIHelper works when the
script is located inside a document.
Just tested this: there will be an exception thrown, if you try to use "document" as location. Currently the valid argument values for "location" seem to be "user" and "share".



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