
> brane       00/12/21 15:02:36
>   Modified:    .        apr.dsp apr.mak
>   Log:
>   Don't export symbols from static library.

Please watch out, you broke the build.

I understand that it -appears- that apr.dsp is the static
library generator.  At the moment, it's a comprimize, and
if we plan to move forward, we have a nasty issue to deal

The list of files to build into apr is in apr.dsp.  The
libapr.dsp only generates a dll of that same file.

The comprimize to date was to build a statically linkable
library, with naked symbols hanging out.  Certainly we
can't do that forever, so lets begin discussion of some
sane way to cope with two duplicate .dsp files, one that
creates a lib, one that creates a dll (note, we cannot
use the 4-flavor .dsp here, since all flavors need the
same kind of target, e.g. all .dll's or all lib's.)

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