----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:30 AM
Subject: cvs commit: apr-util renames_pending STATUS

> wrowe       01/04/12 08:30:48
>   Modified:    .        STATUS
>                .        STATUS
>   Added:       .        renames_pending
>                .        renames_pending
>   Log:
>     Clean up some status notes, and add symbol rename references for everyone
>     to kibitz before we close this book.  Feel free to add missing symbols,
>     these lists are from win32's exports lists of libapr.dll and 
> libaprutil.dll.
>   Index: STATUS
>   ===================================================================
>   +    * complete the efforts started by DougM for cleaner fn naming
>   +      conventions: see proposed name changes in renames_pending
>   +      and offer up any additions/vetos/clarifications.
>   +      DougM offered to complete the work with his nifty perl rename
>   +      script at the hackathon. 

I'd really like these renames_pending lists in apr and apr-util to be the final 
for the first apr 'release', at least for existing functions, and put it to bed.
So _please_ inspect the renames_pending lists and kibbitz!  If you are vetoing a
change, move it back to where it was and add a _very_ short note justifing.  Or 
an existing fn to where it properly aught to be.

This comes from dreid's & my discussions of apr_time fns (which were rather all 
the board) and ben's & my discussions of the 'generic' (to be called 'dynamic') 
and the hooks.

As I point out, I may be missing some, and didn't even TOUCH the lists of 
macros we
provide.  If the fn's are right, those should become obvious.

Thanks dougm for getting this ball rolling a month ago!


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