
> On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 10:31 +0100, Nick Kew wrote:
>> What's missing is the option to rollback even when successful.
>> In principle, a "rollback" argument to transaction_end would be
>> a better way to accomplish this.  What level of version bump would
>> we need to introduce that?
> Given that this would break binary compatibility, it would have to be
> done in 2.x. The "new function approach" could be done for 1.3.

   This is great either way -- it's been on my to-do list but
I've had to keep punting on it.  Delighted to see something disappear
off the list!

   As a not-committer, I don't really have a say here, but either
option seems fine to me in terms of functionality (obviously).
My gut instinct would be that I prefer the "rollback" argument
Nick suggests purely for elegance, and that since apr_dbd is
relatively new, breaking binary compatibility (so long as it's done
with the appropriate version bumps) in the name of a clean interface
isn't too horrible.

   Now I'm partly assuming that there can't be zillions of users
yet relying on it in a 1.3 environment who really also need a
forceable rollback feature, and that those who do can upgrade to
2.x.  (After all, isn't it good to provide these little inducements
to encourage folks to upgrade?  :-)

   Whatever is chosen, kudos for dealing with this.  Thanks!


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