William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> http://apr.apache.org/dev/dist/
>   +/-1?  Package to release
>   [  ]   apr-0.9.14
>   [  ]   apr-1.2.9
>   [  ]   apr-iconv-1.2.0
> Three packages so far to consider, votes welcome

We are at 2x +1 for apr 0.9.14 and apr 1.2.9

We are at no votes for apr-iconv 1.2.0.

It seems most of the concerns are addressed, and while worth addressing,
not necessary for this release.

Votes, please, folks?  And while we are on the subject, note the subj
says [vote] - not [discuss] :)  Please use appropriate subject renames
when you launch off on a tangent/report build failures.


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