P.S. Matt Stevenson's fix/workaround seems to have done the trick quite nicely. I tend to agree with the comments on the httpd group, however -- one shouldn't have to do such things in code calling apr_socket_connect(). Rather apr_socket_connect() should just do this if necessary to ensure connection timeouts work.


Jess Holle wrote:
As per Ruediger, I'm forwarding this issue to the APR development list.

This thread goes back some time on the httpd development list. The problem is that Windows takes about 1 second to reject attempts to connect to a dead port, leading to serious performance issues with sparsely populated load balanced proxy port banks. The httpd folk added a connection timeout that can be specified in milliseconds in 2.2.11, but using this had no effect on Windows.

Previously on the thread [http://marc.info/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=122358323701009&w=2], Matt Stevenson had suggested doing
  apr_socket_opt_set(newsock,  APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 1);
before the APR connect call and
  apr_socket_opt_set(newsock,  APR_SO_NONBLOCK, 0);
afterwards, but this had other side-effects and testing (possibly all on UNIX platforms) indicated that this was not necessary for proper behavior of apr_socket_connect().

Unfortunately, what I'm seeing now on Windows is /not/ proper connection timeout behavior. I haven't added the changes suggested by Matt Stevenson to see if they help yet, but I plan on doing so.

Other suggestions and investigation of this would be much appreciated.

Jess Holle


Re: proxy_ajp connect timeout fix.
Ruediger Pluem <rpl...@apache.org>
Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:32:10 +0100


On 12/17/2008 12:38 AM, Jess Holle wrote:
The errno assignments you added did the trick.

Unfortunately, I'm still missing the overall goal.  I have many proxy
balance members like:

   BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8010 route=tomcat1 min=16 max=80
   smax=40 ttl=900 keepalive=Off timeout=90000 retry=30
   connectiontimeout=160ms flushpackets=on

   BalancerMember ajp://localhost:8011 route=tomcat2 min=16 max=80
   smax=40 ttl=900 keepalive=Off timeout=90000 retry=30
   connectiontimeout=160ms flushpackets=on


However, the error log says:

   [Tue Dec 16 17:32:*25* 2008] [error] (OS 10061)No connection could be
made because the target machine actively refused it.  : proxy: AJP:
attempt to connect to (localhost) failed
   [Tue Dec 16 17:32:25 2008] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling
worker for (localhost)
   [Tue Dec 16 17:32:25 2008] [error] proxy: AJP: failed to make
connection to backend: localhost

   [Tue Dec 16 17:32:*26* 2008] [error] (OS 10061)No connection could be
made because the target machine actively refused it.  : proxy: AJP:
attempt to connect to (localhost) failed
   [Tue Dec 16 17:32:26 2008] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling
worker for (localhost)
   [Tue Dec 16 17:32:26 2008] [error] proxy: AJP: failed to make
connection to backend: localhost
Each port (on Windows) still consistently takes right around 1 full
second to reject. despite having set connectiontimeout to be 160ms.

Something seems to still be awry here as 160ms is significantly less
than 1000ms...

I guess you should move this over to d...@apr as this is likely a problem
with the windows specific connect call not returning immediately.



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