On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Gary Dusbabek <gdusba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been uncomfortable with the amount of features I perceive are
> going into our maintenance releases for a while now.  I thought it
> would stop after we committed ourselves to having a more predictable
> major release schedule.  But getting 0.7.1 out feels like it's taken a
> lot more effort than it should have.  I wonder if part of the problem
> is that we've been committing destabilizing features into it?  IMO,
> maintenance releases (0.7.1, 0.7.2, etc.) should only contain bug
> fixes and *carefully* vetted features.
> I've scanned down the list of 0.7.1 changes in CHANGES.txt and about
> half of them are features that I think could have stayed in trunk.  I
> think we did this a lot with the early maintenance releases of 0.6 as
> well, probably in an effort to get features out *now* instead of
> waiting for an 0.7 that was not happening soon enough.  We've decided
> to pick up the pace of our major release schedule (sticking to four
> months).  I think maintaining this pace will be difficult if we
> continue to commit as many features into the minor releases as we have
> been.
> I'm willing to concede that I may have an abnormally conservative
> opinion about this.  But I wanted to voice my concern in hopes we can
> improve the quality and delivery of our maintenance releases.

I agree with you. We've tried both approaches and I believe that its
clear that releasing features in maintenance releases leads to more
pain and unpredictability.


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