On 17 March 2012 11:15, Radim Kolar <h...@filez.com> wrote:

> I don't like that every node will have same portion of data.
> 1. We are using nodes with different HW sizes (number of disks)
> 2.  especially with ordered partitioner there tends to be hotspots and you
> must assign smaller portion of data to nodes holding hotspots

Hi Radim,

The number of virtual nodes for each host would be configurable by the
user, in much the same way that initial_token is configurable now. A host
taking a larger number of virtual nodes (tokens) would have proportionately
more of the data. This is how we anticipate support for heterogeneity in
cluster hardware.


Sam Overton
Acunu | http://www.acunu.com | @acunu

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