On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Was the change well accounted for in the changes.TXT or the readme.txt?

The news file says:
"CQL3 is now considered final in this release. Compared to the beta
 version that is part of 1.1, this final version has a few additions
 (collections), but also some (incompatible) changes in the syntax for the
 options of the create/alter keyspace/table statements.
 Please refer to the CQL3 documentation for details"

That last sentence refers to
http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/cql3/CQL.htmland yes, that should be
in the news file but that same url was pointing to
the 1.1 CQL3 doc before 1.2.0 was release so I didn't wanted to list it in
the news file for the betas and rcs and I forgot to add back the link to
that news file for the final, my bad (I'm sorry and I will add the link to
the NEWS file for the next release). And of course having forgotten to
update the max_threshold thing in said reference doc was infortunate but
that's fixed now.

Now I know you are not happy with us having made breaking changes between
CQL3 beta in 1.1 and CQL3 final in 1.2. I'm sorry we did, but I do am happy
with the coherence of the language we have in that final so I think that
was probably worth it in the end. I do want to stress that the goal was to
have a CQL3 final for which we won't do breaking changes for the forseable

> "// Note that isCompact means here that no componet of the comparator
> correspond to the column names
> // defined in the CREATE TABLE QUERY. This is not exactly equivalent to the
> // option when creating a table in that "static CF" without a composite
> type will have isCompact == false
>   // even though one must use 'WITH COMPACT STORAGE' to declare them."
> Confused

Granted that is not the cleanest thing ever and we could probably rename
that isCompact variable but you do realize that is just an implementation
"detail" that have no impact whatsoever on users. If you want to complain
about bad names in the code, start with the class implementing keyspaces
being called Table.


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