I need a client in C (not C++) to work with Cassandra, so since there
is no one yet I would do my own. So far I have checked, I can do it
through Thrift RPC port, or through CQL port. As I understand, CQL
doesn't support direct "mutate" or "get_range_slices" calls like
Thrift does , so being Thrift API more low level, it should be faster
for specific queries my application would execute. The question is,
what do you recommend me to use, Thrift or CQL3 native protocol?
Thrift API supports  CQL , but not the other way around. If commands
go through CQL, there will be some Java code executed and I don't know
which would be faster, sending the raw "mutate"s through thrift by C
application or executing a prepared CQL3 query by Java? I am
interested more in performance, rather than in easiness of use. Will
appreciate very much your comments.


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